Backpacker Magazine

Backpacker Magazine interactive PDF was developed by my university’s course project. The project was to demonstrate several areas of understanding, some of which include design theory, typography, layout presentation, user experience, and interactive incorporation. My goal was to meet all these needs while understanding the content and style needed to accommodate both the client (Backpacker Magazine) and their target audience. The target audience for Backpacker Magazine is young men and women with the desire to be outdoors, exploring nature, and understanding the world around them. The magazine encourages this through content development and design presentation.


After researching the branding identity of Backpacker Magazine, as well as their target demographic, I began imitating their style through different design features. I also utilized colors that appealed to my understanding of the brand’s style. I developed interactive abilities to make the magazine more exciting and encouraging for the target audience. The incorporation of page buttons, links that jump a viewer to their desired page through both image and article touch, and finally links that redirect the viewer to The Backpacker website. Each of these interactive features offers navigational understanding as well as the importance of user experience. Interactive activities such as video and hidden images were also implemented into the design to create a more engaging interaction for their viewer. All of these choices were made to develop a design that would meet the interactive and design needs of both Backpacker Magazine as well as their target market.
